
Trevor Mitchell FCA

Trevor is a Chartered Accountant with 30 years' experience growing and developing businesses. He has specialised in the Construction Sector in the last 10 years. Trevor has extensive expertise in advising businesses on their financial strategy, operational improvements to maximise business performance, implementing change programmes and finance systems. Recently Trevor has been leading a number of successful restructuring & debt recovery projects. Trevor has held a number of Directorships over the last 20 years. He is a co-founder of Purely Financial.

Trevor is on Linked In

Speak to Trevor on 07795287228


Gary Tomlinson FCA

Gary is a Chartered Accountant specialising in the Construction Sector. He has over 10 years' sector specific expertise both in the capacity of an advisor to businesses and in a number of senior finance positions held in industry. Gary impresses clients with his ability to quickly understand a business and its risks and opportunities. He has extensive expertise in improving business performance, problem solving, conducting forensic reviews, and developing management information systems. Gary is a co-founder of Purely Financial and is also a keen sportsman, having recently run 1,000km for charity.

Gary is on Linked In

Speak to Gary on 07795287439


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